If the Cog from the solids bin sees extraordinary wear and tear, the cog hexagon that drives the upper part of the agitator can strip out. This causes a slipping action on the agitator and unfortunately won’t let your solids bin agitate.
Failed Cog
In this case, it should be a simple cog replacement to get back into action.
- Remove the old cog by flipping the solids bin upside down and unscrewing the bolt from the bottom.
- Pull the agitator out of the bin. Sometimes the cog is loose and the agitator will fall out, other times it is tight and you may need to tug on it to pull the agitator out and therefore cog off.
- Next, we have to put it all back together with the new cog. The order from top to bottom should be
- Agitator
- White plastic bushing
- Flat end facing up
- Solids Bin
- White bushing inside of solids bin center
- Cog
- Recessed lip facing up to the solids bin
- Hexagon center pressed into the hexagon of the coupling nut
- Recessed lip facing up to the solids bin
*Note: you may have to hold onto the agitator so it does not fall back out.
- Washer
- Bolt
- Tightened by hand
- Check that the rotation of the agitator is free and not too stiff.